Sumo Citrus is a very sweet type of mandarin orange that is available now. It is extremely easy to peel, has no seeds, and is much larger than a Cutie. It is easily identifiable by the top-knot! This special citrus originated in Japan in the 1970s. Originally, the grower set out to develop the ultimate citrus experience. Sumo Citrus is extremely difficult to grow and the domestic version is only available 4 months out of the year – January through April. The citrus is also grown in Australia and the international version is available in stores now (late September through October). You can find answers to all of your Sumo Citrus questions on the Sumo Citrus website. These large mandarins are perfect alone, eaten as candy, used in a salad or this salad, turned into cheesecake, a smoothie bowl, or even fudge! Find this dessert-like citrus at your local Bashas’ now.